We request an immediate indemnification against buying and selling counterfeit goods of Bite Helper, from which no pardon is to be given.
Maxogen Group in the United States in cooperation with Heatact the original factory in Taiwan have been working together to trace counterfeit goods. We have confirmed that one-to-one counterfeit goods are being sold in Asian area of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand. These counterfeits copy directly from the packaging box to the main part of the product. After more than a month of investigation, we have collected a large amount of evidence and will take legal actions against manufacturers who manufacture and sell counterfeit goods. We hereby appeal that products from unknown sources and products that have not been authorized by the original manufacturer may be counterfeit goods. Even if you have become accomplices in aiding counterfeit goods to spread without knowing it, you will be held legally responsible.
Please verify the identity of HEATACT company's goods for purchase to protect your consumer rights.
In addition, we also conducted investigations on the so-called parallel importers on the street stalls. So far, no officially authorized channel source certificate has been found.
They mostly receive purchase orders in Taiwan → order the goods from Taobao.
Our company will also investigate the authenticity of these goods of these unidentified parallel importers and take immediate legal actions on the Trademark Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, and Copyright Law, and will never give any pardon.
Our company hereby declares that any person who provides the contact information of the manufacturer of counterfeit products can obtain the bonus of the prosecutor upon verification.
Heatact Super Conductive Heat-Tech Co., Ltd
May 29, 2018
The following points are for the difference between genuine and counterfeit goods:
1. Genuine products are printed with .com
2. The counterfeit product has a sharp edge and scratches the skin easily.
3. Counterfeit goods, if pressed, will continue to heat and will burn the skin.
4. The genuine product is manually controlled all the way and stops heating if the button is loosened.
Genuine and counterfeit products can be identified within seconds.
1. The packaging of the genuine product is marked with the certification mark.
2. The information concerning the company “Maxogen group” in U.S. is listed beside the bar code.
3. The packaging is labeled with BITE HELPER.com
4. The color and texture of the packaging paper card are obviously different.
Product Picture ( The red circle is the discrepancy of counterfeit goods. )
1. The packaging of the genuine product is marked with the certification mark.
2. The information concerning the company “Maxogen group” in U.S. is listed beside the bar code.
3. The packaging is labeled with BITE HELPER.com
Consumers should carefully distinguish between the true and false products before making a purchase while shopping online to protect their rights.
When buying, please be sure to recognize the product of HEATACT original manufacturer to avoid being deceived!
Quality and Service are our priority.
If you have any inquiry, please contact us.
Email : elecdeer@ms29.hinet.net